Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Even though I had mentioned YouTube and NZ YouTube in my earlier post I hadn't spent a huge amount of time looking at it until week 9 of 23 Things! I have searched all sorts of topics from schauzers, New York, Melbourne, Scotland, Tasmania, Cycling through to Benalla - dear ol' Benalla was the place I grew up in. I was born in Melbourne but my family moved to benalla when I was 4 so it could be said "my formative years" were spent in Benalla. I left to go to university when I was 18. Many of my childhood friends still live there or in towns not too far away! When I searched Benalla on YouTube I was surprised at the number of results. One that took my fancy was Hamish and Andy's (Australian radio and Rove fame) musical tribute. Makes me a lil' homesick!:) A lil' bit more trivia - A a kid I had a cocker spaniel named Ben and now my schnauzer is named alla - Put the 2 names together and what do you get!?

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