Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beyond week 5!

I seem to have been loitering within week 5 forever! I have finally moved beyond it and signed in to MSN - I have nudged, knocked and winked my way thru the experience! Now I know what all that means and what's happening when things appear on the ref desk and elsewhere! So and so has signed in and so and so has signed out... All very clever stuff! Mind boggling when you think about the people creating all these gizmos and techno stuff... not so long ago it didn't exist!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Steep learning curve continues...

Lately I have been investigating LibraryThing. Interesting concept. I was rattling my brain to remember what I had sitting on my shelves at home! One day I want my own little "library room" with lots of treasures and delights that will keep me company when I am old and decrepit and getting about in purple with a bright red hat! In the meantime here is my catalogue.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Magazine cover

Here is the magazine cover - Alla the Elle McPherson of the dog world! I should have proof read it prior to "publishing" it! Spelling mistakes and the title blends too much in to the Christmas tree! Wouldn't have made a magazine editor - sticking to my day job!

Play time!

Friday morning held promise of plenty of time to "play" with the online
toys in week 5... Murphy's law... lots of "hard to plan for" things cropped up! I did get a chance to look at FD Toys mag cover and Comic Strip generator as is evidenced by the accompanying material!! I could see lots of time could be spent generating all sorts of cool stuff for friends and family or simply just for the hell of it!

Flickr & Mashups

Uhoh... It's been a while since my last foray in to the wonderful world of 23 things! I've missed it! Finally found some time to concentrate on it again and have been reacquainting myself with Flickr and mashups! Whoa, there are some clever people about there developing all sorts of clever tools (sounds a bit like a Telecom ad - I'm resisting saying Clever Toys! Telecom and the big payout to former leader is hot news this week!). I had a play with a few of the tools and as you can see I did a very artistic (in my mind) rendition of a Warhol-ish schnauzer!