Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beyond week 5!

I seem to have been loitering within week 5 forever! I have finally moved beyond it and signed in to MSN - I have nudged, knocked and winked my way thru the experience! Now I know what all that means and what's happening when things appear on the ref desk and elsewhere! So and so has signed in and so and so has signed out... All very clever stuff! Mind boggling when you think about the people creating all these gizmos and techno stuff... not so long ago it didn't exist!

1 comment:

Donna said...

It's so great too that we can use all these technologies in so many ways to help the students and at the same time have fun playing with them and annoying our colleagues with the winks ... its great fun. I am now looking forward to chatting with you on Skype!!! Go Scotland tonight :-)