Monday, October 8, 2007 & Technorati

Started playing with & learning about last week and have only just got back to using it and getting to grips with it. I had heard from other librarian's how useful it was for saving favourites and I can see why. It means I can access my favourites wherever I like and it also means if I get run over by a bus (heaven forbid) my colleagues can look at my page and see what they might want to use with students etc.

Now Technorati is an interesting lil' place to delve about in. I searched all sorts of weird & wonderful things to see what people are writing about in their blogs - Benalla, Bette Midler, Cross-Slot, UCOL, Grand Canyon, Ground Zero, Smiths crisps, Wagon wheels... Ha! It was amazing, hilarious, scary (to see what people blog about), fascinating and strangely addictive. I began to feel a little voyeuristic but then these people have put it out in the blogsphere! I thought I could use it to check what people are blogging about in relation to more work related topics - information literacy, Moodle, 23 things and the like!

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